Wooo i just checked. The last updated of wedding pics was some time in Dec 09. oppsss...
Too many happenings between December till CNY. Many jobs to finish before the CNY (which i managed to do so and my last delievery of photos to couple was on CNY Eve), short overseas Bintan Pre Wedding shoot mid Jan 10, change of job in Feb (yes, i quitted after almost 10 yrs with a company) and now kind of settled down in a new company :), Update of portfolio etc etc..
I shot Hak Yee and Jia Xiu wedding in early December 09. Below are some of their highlights.

More photos for Hak Yee and Jia Xiu can be found at our FACEBOOK.
I am glad they are one happy couple after seeing my photos. They happy, I also happy!
And this was their comments.
Your photos are all very well and beautifully taken. Your creativity and skills are really very good when compared to my friends' wedding photographer. One suggestions to you is to take more group photos. Your strength is in capturing priceless moments during the events but it will be good to take more group photos too.
Hi Alex, when we first engaged your service, we were a little doubtful about your work but after seeing all the beautiful pictures, we felt that we have made the right choice. Our friends and Colleagues also praised your work. We will definitely recommend you to our friends and hope that we have chance to see each other again. Once again my wife and I thank you for your wonderful service and all the best to you.
Hak Yee and Jia Xiu
Thank you Hak Yee & Jia Xiu!